Monday, February 27, 2012

Thailand Customs, Currency and Airport Tax Regulations

Customs Rules

Import regulations::

Free import by each passenger holding a passport of his own, irrespective of age:
1. 200 cigarettes or 250 grammes of tobacco or equal weight of cigars;
2. 1 litre of alcoholic liquor;
3. One still camera with 5 rolls of film or one movie camera with 3 rolls of 8 or 16 mm. film.
Free import for non-residents:
- for holders of transit visas or who can obtain a visa on arrival: up to THB 10,000 per person
 or THB 20,000 per family.
- for holders of tourist visas: up to THB 20,000 per person or THB 40,000 per family.
Prohibited (without licence):
1. Firearms and ammunition incl. explosive articles and fireworks, drugs of narcotic 
nature, e.g. heroin.
2. Gold bullion. Moreover it must be declared on arrival and can, if no import licence 
is available, be left in Customs bond at the airport of entry to be retrieved on departure.
3. Meat from any country affected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad 
cow and foot-and-mouth diseases. The measure covers meat from all EU Member 
States  and any other infected country. Those carrying such diseased meat will be
 fined THB 40,000 and/or imprisoned for up to two years.

Additional Information on regulations::

Violation of these rules or false declaration will result in heavy fines and forfeiture of 
articles concerned. The import of heroin may result in imprisonment for life or even 
death penalty.
A declaration of goods acquired abroad is required if the total value exceeds 
THB 10,000.- per person.

Export regulations::

Free export of tobacco products and/or tobacco: any quantity.
Prohibited (without licence):
1. Antique or objects of art, whether offically registered as art or not;
2. Religious articles (excluding one small Buddha image normally carried on person).

Crew members customs regulations::

same regulations as for passengers apply.


Import: must be accompanied by a health certificate, completed in English and 
signed or further endorsed by a full-time authorized veterinary official of the government 
of the exporting country and are subject to taxation (to find applicable tariff, please refer to: Dogs and cats also need a rabies certificate 
if the country has not been rabies free for at least the past 12 months. Any person wishing
 to import or transit animals or birds into/through Thailand should confirm
 prior to transportation the exact flight itinerary and arrival date, together with details of the 
animal(s) (i.e. breed, sex and quantity) with the Bangkok Airport Animal Quarantine Station,
 at the following: tel: +662 1340731/2; fax: +662 1343640.
The Department of Livestock Development of Thailand has banned the importation of the
 following into Thailand: Pitbull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier.
Export of any animal is only permitted if holding an export license and an official health 
certificate, which can be obtained at the chief veterinary officer of Bangkok airport. Pets 
may enter as
 passenger's checked baggage, in the cabin or as cargo.

Baggage Clearance regulations::

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Thailand. Exempt:

Airport Embarkation Tax

No airport tax is levied on passenger upon embarkation at the airport.

Currency rules

Currency Import regulations:

Local currency: up to THB 50,000.- per person or THB 100,000.- per family holding
 one passport.Foreign currencies: unlimited. However, amounts of foreign currency 
exceeding USD 20,000.- (or equivalent) must be declared to a Customs Officer upon 
arrival by all travellers.

Currency Export regulations:

Local currency: up to THB 50,000.- per person or THB 100,000.- per family holding
 one passport.Foreign currencies: unlimited. However, amounts of foreign currency
 exceeding USD 20,000.- (or equivalent) must be declared to a Customs Officer upon 
departure by all travellers.

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